
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yeah. That is the sound I make in the morning.  Something like a growl and a moan and a sigh and sad resignation that I must leave my cozy cocoon of a bed and face the day.  (side note: I do not typically make this sound on weekends, holidays, or days when I don't have to work) 

This morning the alarm went off at 4:30 am.  You read that correctly.  4:30 in the AM. Before the ass crack of dawn.  I'm pretty certain it is before the dawn of man.  Or something like that.  I have to set my first alarm that early or when my second alarm goes off at 5:15 and I start to hit snooze I won't have begun the process of drifting out of the catatonic state I fondly call sleep. 

When my alarm went off I had someone snuggled right up next to me.  And I mean Right. Next. To. Me.  Now, my brain does not fully function thoughts until I have been up and moving (and consumed coffee) for about an hour.  So when this someone murmured into my ear "happy 10th anniversary of our first date" I was a little confused.  Here I am all "mmmmfrrrgrrrrggggg awake no mmmmmfffrrrggggrrrggg" and he is all sweet and cuddly and loving me. 

Needless to say, I failed at the "wish my spouse a happy first date anniversary first" thing this year.  I didn't even get it in until over an hour later before I walked out the door.  I think I actually fell back asleep after he said it.  (I fail at mornings)

But, all that aside, it is the tenth anniversary of our first date.  One zero.  Ten. 10. In many ways it feels like yesterday and in many, many, many more it seems like a lifetime ago.  Last year on this day I wrote a retrospective about our time together.  Today I feel fortunate to add another 365 days to our total.  Another year of laughter, mornings, travels, dates, dinners at home, holidays, baseball games, moments small and large.  From one date, a family has been made.  Tonight we will celebrate our little family by going out on another date-all of us.  And talk of the ten years yet to come.

I am one lucky lady.  Even if I don't acknowledge it at 4:30 in the morning.