
Monday, March 14, 2011

A little something to tide you over...

I was going to sit down today and write out a lovely restaurant review of the place my husband took us to in Detroit over the weekend, and a diatribe of our trip to "that state up north" for Jack's birthday gift, but I just don't have it in me today.  I'm exhausted.  We were running like crazy all weekend...trying desperately to keep up with a four-year-old who was wide-eyed with excitement.  Then today I am thrust into a world where I've somehow lost an hour of sleep, am riveted to the tragic news coverage of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, and am dealing with the OGT at work.  This is enough for a girl to turn on her Keurig, put in K-cup after K-cup whilst sticking her mouth right under the spout.  I'm that tired.

But, for today, I want to let anyone know that if you are in our neck of the woods, you must check out The Henry Ford Museum.  We went the summer I was expecting Jack for our anniversary.  (I know, we are a couple of can say it)  I hadn't been, and my husband hadn't been in years.  It really is like our nation's attic.  This place is amazing!  I love the Smithsonian, but this blows it out of the water, because it is just so much more fun and less serious.  When Jack started to show a serious interest in cars/trucks/planes/trains/tractors we vowed to get him there as soon as we could.  Well, seizing an opportunity this past weekend while in D-town for Disney on Ice (more on that later, you know, when my coffee binge kicks in) we stayed overnight and took in the museum.  It was, fantastic.  Wonderful.  Beyond words.  And the automobile exhibit is down for the year too.

Here is a smattering of Jack's top exhibits:

Largest Steam Engine-He loved climbing on this!

Ag in America-tons of farm equipment


DC-3 Flying Overhead

FDR's Sunshine Limited

I'll have a full review later on this week, but do yourselves a favor and check out the museum's web page, and schedule a visit soon.  It is such a treasure and so much fun with kids of all ages!

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