
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Unearthing from Holidays

First order of business, I know...I had a giveaway. I am a bad blogger and failed to announce the winner! Congrats Lista! I will be in touch soon to get you your beautiful piece of glass that is currently in my office.

Second order of business, I have been um, well, um, BUSY. Who's idea was it to have Clarkmas, Christmas Eve, and Christmas stacked on top of each other? I mean, come on fates! We cooked and cleaned and mixed drinks like no ones business. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love having family and friends over but I may have slightly lost my mind during the process. Not to mention we packed up Blanche and drove to the East Coast to visit the stepdaughter and her husband. It was a whirlwind! I am not certain what happened, but I know in the past few weeks we have seen the new Martin Luther King Jr memorial, opened gifts from Santa, had a Clark family viewing of the film Lawless, got a tour of stepson-in-law's naval ship, watched some bowl games, baked cookies, filled toys with batteries, and built some lego models.


Oh, sorry. That was just me recovering from one of the spontaneous naps that seem to overtake me at a moment's notice. I hope they pass soon.

Now that the busy season has passed at home, I am moving into the busy season at work. Scheduling, career tech center applications, parent student conferences, orientations, planning for next year and trying to coordinate a move into a newly remodeled building at the end of it all. I'm kind of geeked out about the last part. Ever since I was hired at my current district I've been a state of moving. Like the military family of school counselors. I kid you not, in the seven years there I have had six offices. Rumor has it that this new one may be permanent. I am plotting and planning for it. I want decorations that aren't taped to the walls. A Keurig with my favorite k-cups. A floor lamp that doesn't wobble like it is about to come apart just from turning it on and off. A place where students feel they can come and feel warm and welcomed. Where parents feel comfortable to talk. Homey and professional. I. Can't. Wait.

How are is every one else's New Years going? I hope well. I haven't disappeared, promise. Just buried. I will keep writing! See y'all soon!