
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Backwards & Forwards, Inside & Out, FLIP! Fight for Bowling Green!

Forward Falcons!
There is nothing like returning to your Alma Mater, is there?  Especially on a perfectly crisp, cool autumn afternoon under clear blue skies for a football game.  I am fortunate enough that I get to return fairly often.  As a high school counselor, I even get invited back to Bowling Green State University for counselor days where we are shown all the new awesomeness that is BGSU Falcons.  Yesterday though it was all about football, marching bands, cheerleaders, mascots, and even the unofficial-official mascots.  We were decked out in our orange and brown, and ready to cheer our beloved Falcons to victory.  But as much as I love and adore college football, I was really, really looking forward to one thing...pre-game.  You see, eleven years ago I was a member of the FMB (that's Falcon Marching Band in regular people speak).  Out there on the wide green expanse of the Doyt, having been up since sunrise rehearsing, spending my game days with some of the finest people I've had the privilege to meet.  And watching pre-game brings those memories flooding back because so little has changed in the actual performance.  Friends I haven't seen in years; friends that felt like family when I was living so far from home.  The memories I have of the FMB are the sweetest of my years at BGSU, and watching today's members is such fun.  And no matter how many times I try, I will never properly learn the last few words to the fight song...they'll always be "backwards and forwards inside and out FLIP! Fight for Bowling Green!" to me!

Who can spy the very young me with my girls at Penn State?

 A hot pair-literally and figuratively-during fundamentals week!

A future FMB member