So, I was having a little case of writer's block and decided to step away from blogging for a while. Because everything I was writing was boring me as I wrote it. And if I was bored with my words, I can't imagine what reader would even want to look at them. So I stepped away.
I also was feeling overwhelmed. Professionally things were crazy for me. Somehow I knew I needed to put more focus on the actual job I have, and less on this space I fill with my musings. I needed to get a handle on my health-physical and mental. And when we humans have those times where everything and everyone is pulling at us, we have to reevaluate how we spend our energy and reallocate. That is exactly what I did. I began to pour my energies into my family, my work as a school counselor, my health and home. Things have begun to right themselves. The most hectic time of year for our family is running much more smoothly than it has in past springs. I am excited to move into a new position at work next fall. My husband and I have changed our diets and our new and healthier eating plan has been in place for about 5 weeks now, with much success. I feel as though my normal positive outlook on the world has returned, filling me with more energy and drive to tackle things I've been setting aside.
I have also had tons of new ideas to write about lately. So, I made the decision this week to fire the blog back up. I hope my readers (all 2 of you) are still out there. I was noticing a wee bit of spam, so there will be a few changes in the commenting area. But other than that, be ready for my particular brand of wit, humor, and general tomfoolery!