
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Well folks, like I said yesterday it is summer. And as such, I have fallen into my wretched summer sleep pattern. That is, fall asleep by 1am and drag my lazy butt out of bed around 9am when the boy is begging for breakfast and "no more nick jr momma!" Then I look at the clock and think about all the stuff I could have gotten done by this point in the day had I gone to bed earlier, gotten up earlier. Then comes the guilt. Then I start in on the coffee to wake up and stifle the yawns. I know I've said it before-I'm just not a morning person.

But the thing is, I don't hate mornings. Actually, I love them. I love the light, the waking up of my garden, the stillness. I love it all. I just cannot seem to make myself go to sleep. It is as though I am afraid I'll miss something important. Like what? Starz running "My Best Friend's Wedding" for the billionth time? Isn't that what I have a DVR for? (slaps forehead)

Tonight, I will go to sleep at a reasonable hour. 11 at the latest. I want to be up and ready to face tomorrow before 8. Writing before 9. I can do this. I can become a better summer vacation morning girl. My goal is simple, before we head to our mountain vacation I want to be back to getting up early enough to enjoy the morning and not my current night owl self. Hold me to it readers!

Over and out. Need to make more (yawn) coffee.

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